The Time

T i m e

Also known as a cure for some problems we may have . . . but still . . . time also brings sorrow when we can't find a word of hope in all that time lost trying to find an answer. I know this seems not an objective way to say what I want to say, but . . . lots of times we waste our strenght in stupid answers wich actually brings us no knowledge about what we'd really want to know . . .

Time always brings loss . . . the loss of someone . . . time acts quickly, it may act less than a second after we release a person's hand and turn our back on them . . . and it also may bring pain to those who made bad things.

Because the time to ask sorry for that is already "Lost In Time" actually, I only understood now that this text has a lot to do with my Blog's tittle . . .

It is the first time I speak about this theme . . . and so far I only spoke about the bad topics of time . . .

Let's go to the good ones since I'm not a depressed person wich you could have think just because my background is black, but i'm not, black and darkness just makes me think better, it's not because I'm a dark person or anything.

Coming back to our theme . . .

Time does help a lot in certain situations as the feeling of loss . . . yes, we feel really bad in the moment, but as each second pass we go through 4 stages wich I'll explain

Stages of the Feeling of Loss

Stage 1 - Shock

The first stage is the Shock of the situation, that minutes wich we don't know what to do.

Stage 2 - Sadness

This stage is almost the first, we still don't know what to do, but at least we do something as cry and look at the moon as if we never seen it before.

Stage 3 - Strenght

This is the time when we know that we've been sad for a long time and that our lifes need to be back to the way it was, and we make it, we can make our lifes perfectly, but we still think about that loss sometimes.

Stage 4 - Forgotten

This time we are already so used to our "life back to what it was" that we even forgot sometimes that we lost that person, and so we can remember the person and have a perfect normal life as the day before that loss hapenned.

So time does heal . . . but is this actually a cure? Or is it just something to put the pain down ? . . . well, I don't think there's a cure to death. So there shouldn't be a cure for the feeling of loss since we can never have that person back . . . or can we ? Perhaps we could put the person present in words, in acts and even on expressions. People don't have to die, as soon as they are remembered by us and told to other they will always live. Always . . .

If they wouldn't, why would I still feel your touch ? . . .

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