More Than Words

It it is more than words then why should I be writting something ?
Is "more than words" a picture ? Is it a song ? Is it an act ?

No . . . it's more than words, more than a picture, a song or an act, more than words is beyond anything we can imagine, it is in a place that we can only reach in our dreams, maybe there, we can get to that place . . .

But even without our dreams we can feel it wile we are awake, but most of us deny it . . . I accept it in my life, I accept the songs, the picutres and the acts, but I take them to a new level, and that's what's beyond the words and everything else around, thats the meaning of a song, the meaning of a picture and the meaning of an act . . . that leads us to love



I could rejoin all my memories
Into a full knowledge of existence
But I'm chained in these scars

Scars that will pursuit me
That will pursuit me as a shadow
A shadow that never sleeps
A shadow that never dies
A shadow that never cries
A shadow that never lies
And never let me go

Maybe it's some kind of curse
But that I'll never know
At least I can say
This shadow is not a foe

I can hear this shadow
Even talking on the phone
I don't care . . .
At least I'm not alone