Bloody Kiss

Bloody Kiss

Para muitos é apenas o título deste Texto/Poema, para mim é uma fantasia não desejada, um acontecimento abstracto que aconteceu apenas na minha mente, e que provavelmente não acontecerá no mundo real.
O poema vai ser escrito em Inglês, simplesmente é a língua na qual o tema soa melhor, espero que entendam o poema.


Bloody Kiss
How much it feels real
They say it's my mind
I say "I feel"
They tell me i'm blind
Blinded by my fails
But I know what's right
And this vision prevails


I don't know who is she
Or even if she's dead
All I know is I know it
Most when I lay on my bed
Sometimes It feels safe
Sometimes a dangerous deed
But my hunger needs it
And my hunger I need to feed

One day I saw you
You were on my dreams
Running toward me
And you fell as it seems
We crashed on the floor
And I cut my lip on your teeth
Then I sucked the blood on your lips
Starting from beneath

It was like if everyone dissapeared
It was like a vampire kiss
But no, it's wasn't
It's just something that I miss
By: José Rocha

1 Dreams:

Unknown disse...

that bloody kiss was just the final connection to all the feelings of the other kisser!

and that kisser is the person that may not exist but, is a "i-need-in-my-life" person!
at least thats what i think!

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