Capítulo I
[The Doubt]
[The Doubt]
Starting . . .
I've read thousands of eyes
I've read thousands of eyes
Not written ones
But reflections of the skyes
I barely can look at the sky anymore
It blinds me and my eyes bleed
My heart seems like vampiric
A heart I need to feed
I blind in memories
When I think they're just past
Past is nothing
Only sorrow last
I know I'm supposed to find good memories within
But I only can find my biggest sin
And that sin is
Everytime I give myself to another
But they block me and my happiness
And I can't go any further
. . .
But reflections of the skyes
I barely can look at the sky anymore
It blinds me and my eyes bleed
My heart seems like vampiric
A heart I need to feed
I blind in memories
When I think they're just past
Past is nothing
Only sorrow last
I know I'm supposed to find good memories within
But I only can find my biggest sin
And that sin is
Everytime I give myself to another
But they block me and my happiness
And I can't go any further
. . .
Capítulo II
[The Change]
I was getting out of my room
I look at the yard
I found a feather
But catching it was hard
It was so beautyfull
Catching it would be fair
But why did I catch it
For beauty I never care
Perhaps I'm a bit diffrent
I look at stuff I never looked before
I'm not agressive
I'm not hardcore
I became peacefull with myself
I feel better with this harmony inside
And my good feelings
Those I can't hide . . .
Anymore . . .
I've got a need to express my good opinions
Even if no one gives a fuck
If I don't start giving it
My life will suck
And i'll be stuck
Stuck inside a world of lies
With I hate
Hide my feelings ?
That's not my fate
My fate is to cry out loud
And say what I love the most
It is watching the sunrise
Right down the coast
The sea now speaks with me
It says I must fulfill
Fulfill all my dreams
Make them real
I will do it . . .
But at what cost ?
It doesn't matter
At least my dreams won't be lost . . .
Capítulo III
[The sorrow]
It says I must fulfill
Fulfill all my dreams
Make them real
I will do it . . .
But at what cost ?
It doesn't matter
At least my dreams won't be lost . . .
Capítulo III
[The sorrow]
Still . . .
Sorrow sleeps with me
Even if I don't want to
I will . . .
As soon as I'll loose this bad thoughts
Of the battles that were fought
I can't leap back
As If I were stuck to it
I will forguet it
I can do it
Sometimes I think about you sin
"The way he touched our fragile skin" *
[Slash - Gotten]
Now I've got my path
I don't think we'll cross anymore
Even if it does
It won't be like before
I've got another path to catch
A real soulmate to love
What tells me that ?
A voice from up above
I won't waste more time
I don't like long goodbyes
All these words
Have no lies
Now I follow my own destiny
Yes, I loved you
Now Goodbye until Eternity
By: JoséRocha
1 Dreams:
O bons momentos, só esses é que podes recordar não podes «parar no tempo», sabes disso (:
"Hide my feelings ? That's not my fate" ---> nunca
"Now I follow my own destiny Yes, I loved you
Now Goodbye until Eternity" :') lindo...
POEMA PERFEITO (apesar de ter alguma dificuldade no inglês tudo o que transmites, dá para sentir, as palavras que eu vou percebendo, vou sentindo o que sentes
Amei <3
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